Sunday, October 17, 2010

Nap Time

Well the last few days have passed in a blur. Craig has been away and although we have missed him terribly, the kids and I have had a rather nice weekend of firsts.
On Saturday I took Jaz to the Toys R Us Princess party, although at the time she looked a bit uncomfortable being surrounded by so many little girls (everyone we see regularly has boys), she assures me she had a lovely time. I did learn one thing, that Jaz does not have any idea who any of the Disney Princesses are!!! What a terrible mother I must be, Cinderella? no, Sleeping Beauty? No, Snow White? No, and don't even get me started on some of the newer ones - uh oh. Time to invest in some traditional fairy tales... for my little princess.
Jaz dressed up as a princess and off we went. There was colouring and story time and then a dance off. Prizes, certificates and lollies were handed out. All with a group of little girls all dressed up as princesses. Then it was time to head home.
Once we were home it was Kayde's turn to share the spotlight. He had learned a new talent, raspberry blowing, and it was now that he decided to do it again and again and again. I knew what was coming, it was nearly dinner time.... Yep, we all got covered in deliciously gross baby food. It is his new thing and as much as I am not a fan of getting covered in food, it is still nice to watch how happy he is to know that he has mastered a new skill (though I am not sure what use the skill has other than to cover everything and everyone in slobber and food).
This weekend was full of learning for my little ones, Jaz learned to sing Baa Baa Black Sheep (although she does sing, 'one for the pasta and one for the game', no matter how many times we sing it with her) and a few weeks ago Kayde started pulling his little knees up ready to take off, well tonight he has worked out how to move himself forward by pulling his knees up and pushing off over and over again. So a weekend of learning was had, what had I learnt? I learnt how much easier it is to nap when Craig is home beacause when he did arrive after being away for 3 and a half days he took Jaz for a drive and encouraged me to have a lie down while Kayde had a kip... Ahhhhh the serenity...

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