Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Imagine That

I just love the age Jaz is at at the moment. Her imagination is working overtime. She chatters away to imaginary people on her pretend mobile, sometimes it's an Alien, other times it is some of her favourite people, she is often reporting to them what Mummy is doing and then tells them we will come visit or invites them over - usually telling them to bring their small person (for some reson she usually speaks to the grown up).

Jaz role plays wholeheartedly and some of the scenes I watch her play out just melt my heart and make me want to capture her 3 year old innocent perfection just as it is now to keep forever in a little jar so I can access it later when she is an all knowing, hormone charged teen. Just today I saw her lining up a whole lot of little leggo tyres, from what I could work out there was Mummy, Daddy, Kayde and Jaz and a few extras, possible Sash and Taz (our dogs, and yes I think I have mentioned before we have a dog named Taz and a daughter named Jaz - the weirdness is not lost on me). Anyway. The big tyre moved away from the others saying 'I love you very much but I have to go to work' then a smaller tyre (I was quite happy about this) said, 'oh it's ok, Mummys here, Daddy loves you very much but he had to go to work, he will be back very soon, but I am here' then an even littler tyre said 'see Kayde, Mummy is here and Daddy loves us and will be back soon, YAY'. This seemed so sweet to me as I am always telling Jaz that the reason Daddy goes to work is because he loves us and wants to take care of us and that he will be home soon to play. Looks like she has been taking this in.

Three is a wonderful age all round really, Jaz sings songs, tells stories, tells us she loves us very often and seems to understand what that means, she loves to help Mummy and Daddy and if Kayde cries she rushes to 'calm him'. She speaks with an adorable lisp when she is tired or excited and thinks up games to play with us, her brother, the dogs and her dolls. Sure she has tantrums (usually calmed by a cuddle) and she has learned to hit other children when they annoy her (something she doesn't do frequently thank goodness, particularly since we spoke to her about hitting not being very nice). She doesn't always do as she's told but then again neither do I and I'm not overly fond of her back chatting but we're working on that. Basically Jaz is one very cool little person who more than anything just makes me thankful to be her Mum each and every day.


  1. Ok, so I don't mind if you do not do as you are told hun, but please don't hit me if I annoy you, or pee on my floor when you get too busy chatting.... and yes your babies are sublime! XO

  2. Yes Mamma Hick I ama little selective with the things I mention in my blog, she does offset the cuteness with the ocassional 'accident'. Almost always at your place or Mum and Dads!!! Whoopsies, though not for much longer I am sure ;)
    Thank you for loving us all the same!!!


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