At the moment my brain is on complete overload!!!
Wedding, children, website, housework, wedding, weightloss, webiste, children, what was I doing again???
So I am just a little preoccupied - it is no wonder then that this week alone I have had a three year old who has drawn in texta on the (thankfully glass) back door, a baby who was found scrubbing the loo and himself with the dunny brush (eeeewwww gross) and a fiance who has come home to complete mayhem most evenings!
But achievements are coming thick and fast...
The Website has been launched albeit with very limited information and pics but hey... it's a start. Check me out on
The wedding organising is well under way after a somewhat stressful glitch last week. The venue haas now been changed but it is costing us thousands of dollars less with the ceremony having a more casual/cruisy vibe much more suited to my gorgeous fiance's tastes... and the reception being held on a highly sought after roof top venue overlooking the beach! Yay!!!
My children are as gorgeous as ever. Jaz is loving 3 year old Kinder so much that she keeps asking when she can go to school!!! So I went and purchased some 'work' books for ages 3-5 and we spend between 10 and 30 minutes a day on them depending on the activity, her mood and my patience... We call it her school work and she absolutely loves it. It is quality time spent together and I am constantly impressed by the concepts she understands, it is a constant reminder to me not to underestimate her abilities.
Kayde is saying a lot more and is sleeping a little bit better. His vocabulary now consists of Mummum, dadda, bubbub, the ocassional Ta, and when he knows he shouldn't do something or wants to tell his sister off there is nahhh ah ah ah.
The housework is the bain of my existence at the moment, I am struggling to get on top of it but i will...
And my favourite news of the week..... drumroll please.... I am FINALLY under 100kgs. As of this morning!!!!! For the first time in quite a few years!!!! YAY
Ok, I am off to put a tired little man down for a nap, get a coffee and watch playschool with Jaz
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